⭐️ Persuasion Review ⭐ Book Rating ⭐️⭐⭐️⭐️✨ Film Adaptation ⭐⭐️⭐️✨ Most people are HATING on this modern take of this Austen classic. If you want true adaptations of British works go to the BBC. This is Netflix people! They’re about entertaining and engaging a younger audience AND if this film gets younger people interested in Jane Austen, well isn’t that a good thing?? What worked: Sir Walter Elliot - Richard E. Grant plays the prideful narcissist to perfection. He doesn’t even have to say anything and he oozes bullshit. If anything, the film should’ve written more scenes to showcase his flamboyance. Mary Musgrove - Mia McKenna-Brue and the script turn her into the embodiment of a hypochondriac, self-involved Gen Zer. It’s genius. Anne Elliot - A lot of people HATE that she breaks the fourth wall and speaks directly to the camera. Yes yes, it’s Fleabag-esque BUT have you actually counted how many lines of dialog she has in the book?? She doesn’t really speak that much. Her character is mostly inner monologue so I think this was a great way to give her character a modern dose of personality and expression. External cinematography: The seaside shots are exquisite. It reminded me of Portrait of a Lady on Fire. What didn’t work: Anne Elliot - The tone of her character was all wrong. She’s far sassy and saucier than the book. I don’t fault Dakota Johnson, she did a great job with the script. Her bangs did most of the acting tho… The romance - This is my gripe with the book too, I want to get a glimpse into Anne and Wentworth’s relationship BEFORE the “persuasion.” In the film I found their reunion a bit rushed and a bit odd next to the tone of the overall film. Mr. Elliot - They really butchered his story. You don’t get all his scheming and backstory. He goes from courting Anne to marrying Mrs. Clay in a second?? Like what?? The art direction + costuming - These are NOT period accurate and the interior scenes seem so busy and hideous next to the gorgeous exterior shots. #QOTD - Have you watched it?
Posted by Bettys Book Club at 2022-07-26 16:18:42 UTC