Part #2 of our chat with Shannyn Shroeder LUV: Are you part of an author community? If yes, how did you find it and what makes it valuable to you? Shannyn: I have been a member of Chicago-North Romance writers for almost 15 years. They were the first group I found and I lucked out. Chicago-North used to be a chapter of RWA, so I found them through the national organization, and they met really close to my home. We have a reputation as a critique group and we have monthly programs on everything from craft to business. Truly, I would not have been published without the help of this organization. Also, I met all of my critique partners and beta readers through this group. Pre-Covid, we met weekly at Panera to chat and brainstorm and write (shout out to the Panera Supper Club!). These are the people I turn to when I need to celebrate or commiserate. They make this publishing journey bearable.

Posted by LUV Team at 2022-04-26 19:00:55 UTC