Book Review! Satisfaction Guaranteed by Karelia Stetz-Waters What worked for me: πŸ–Œ Loved the premise and trope. Opposites attract and all husband is VERY different from me personality wise. πŸ–ŒConnected with Cade as a character because of her organized type A personality is similar to mine πŸ–Œ It was a lighted hearted and fun read πŸ–Œ I loved the writing style πŸ–Œ Good read if you looking to diversify your shelf πŸ–Œ The central role that art placed in this story What I struggled with: 🎨 Selena as a character. I also struggled with Cade's parents. I get carefree but I thought their carefree went a little too far. Again, type A personality probs...

Posted by @readingwithramona at 2021-12-03 03:22:16 UTC