Part #2 of LUV's interview with All About Romance's Dabney Grinnan LUV: What draws readers and reviewers to All About Romance? Dabney: I am one in a long line of women who do this as a volunteer job. There have been at least 7 female publishers and over 100 reviewers. AAR is one of the most amazing sites on the internet . It’s free. We create daily content. We have an active forum community. Active commenting community. We write blogs. And we review romance. We review with a loving but critical eye. I do it because I walked into a bar and a tall geeky guy asked me to dance and I decided to marry him that night. He’s an academic surgeon and works 60 hours a week. With four kids I stopped working. I have a big brain and wanted to do something. AAR is my dream job. I can work out of my home. I can take it with me on vacation. I interact with the world. I receive gratifying emails every week from readers saying AAR is a godsend to them not just for the reviews but because of my personal mission to ensure everyone is welcome. As long as you are kind you are welcome to express your opinions. In the past five years, partly in reaction to the Trump presidency, many in the romance community are equally intolerant. I want to make AAR a place on social media where you can put it out there and be able to discuss it. I may not agree with both sides, but I feel strongly that if we are to survive we have to listen to both sides. The reviewers are all, at heart, feminists. We want to champion stories written by women and as a way to give back.

Posted by LUV Team at 2022-03-30 19:00:07 UTC