Who’s ready for the new season of Bridgerton! Here’s my adaptation review of Season 1. Book Review ⭐️⭐️⭐️ TV Adaptation Review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ In the book, Daphne is described as average and has trouble attracting suitors. She's introduced to the new Duke in town. Together they hatch a plan to fake a relationship so she can drum up some interest and he can avoid being swarmed by aggressive mothers. He also wishes to never marry because he has Daddy issues and doesn't want to pass on the family name. In the TV series they create an entire narrative where Daphne has been granted "diamond" status by the Queen. It's like being included in Oprah's favourite things. Then on the advice of her Chris Harrison wannabe brother, Anthony, she snubs these new suitors at one of their many balls, so many balls! The bachelors think she isn't all that and snub her and then the plan is hatched. It's a romance title so sex please! After the two drop the ruse and finally get together, the book describes their honeymoon as "much to Daphne's embarrassment, they sequestered themselves in the master suite for more than a week." Cut to episode 6 👀 the writers took that morsel and made a tasty meal out of it! Seriously, it might be the hottest episode on Netflix. Adaptation thoughts: Love ❤️The book only follows Daphne's story where the series works in narratives for the other main Bridgertons ❤️The Queen is black, no explanation needed! ❤️Penelope is the new Barb ❤️Eloise would rather read than date ❤️The costumes, wigs and set design are epic ❤️Put a ring on it or duel, women would save a lot of time if this was the case today ❤️Extreme picnics Dislike 🚫Phoebe Dynevor as Daphne. I don't think she possesses the underlying strength needed in a regency heroine. Gwyneth and Keira just own a corset like no other. 🚫The CGI was cheap, the grounds outside the houses are terrible! 🚫Why are the society papers so long? What else was going on??? 🚫Sex on hard surfaces, no one would look this cute against a tree

Posted by Bettys Book Club at 2022-03-24 15:13:57 UTC