Forecast: foggy... ⭐️ Book Review ⭐ Weather Girl Author: Rachel Lynn Solomon Book Rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️ This book was a tonal nightmare. I’m all for including deeper, more complex issues into storylines and characters, but I don’t think the integration was successful in this novel. This read like The Parent Trap meets Sex/Life. I like both concepts individually, but reading them combined was like wearing a bikini in a blizzard. The book follows Ari, a local TV weather anchor who suffers from depression, but masks it with a sunny disposition. Her boss and senior weatherwoman, Torrance, has been a shitty boss and mentor. Torrance is going through a public divorce from the station manager, which is creating a toxic workplace for everyone. Ari teams up with sports anchor Russell, in an attempt to bring these two back together and save the station. Surprise to no one, they end up hooking up. This part of the book is pretty goofy as Ari and Russell plan these elaborate situations to get these two together. BUT then we cut to a masturbation duel. The sex scenes seem to hot for this book and are jarring when you get to them. I was hoping that they were dry so I could make some dust storm jokes, but alas it’s a straight up heatwave with a lot of mugginess. All I can say is pack some layers because this is a climate changer!

Posted by Bettys Book Club at 2022-01-21 13:55:40 UTC