What If It’s Not... ⭐️ Book Review ⭐ What If It’s Us Author: Becky Albertalli & Adam Silvera Book Rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️ This is the first book in the series, and I believe the first time these two Tik Tok trending YA romance authors have teamed up. The sequel, Here’s To Us, released at the end of the year. The book alternates between Arthur and Ben, two teens who meet at a NYC post office while Ben attempts to ship his ex’s stuff back to him. Super meet-cute, but the two teen boys don’t exchange numbers or socials. Arthur only got a first name from the shipping label. It takes about a ¼ of the book and several teen internet sleuths for these two to meet again. Arthur is only in NYC for the summer so the boys temper their relationship expectations, but make the most of their summer romance. This is a true teen romance in the sense that it is plagued with immaturity, insecurity and a ton of jealousy. I can see this being really relatable for its intended target, but as a *cough* maturing woman, their lack of communication was frustrating to no end. Arthur was whiny and really self-involved, just like a regular teen! My real gripe with this book is the excessive use of pop culture references. This book might as well have been sponsored by Harry Potter, Hamilton and Dear Evan Hansen. It wasn’t just a name drop but main plot points revolve around them. That being said there is a sweetness to the book, and if you are a broadway fan you will find it really entertaining. Personal note - my parents met over boxes too and got engaged after two weeks. There’s something about shipping that just ignites a spark, lol!
Posted by Bettys Book Club at 2022-01-16 14:57:34 UTC