“The Love Club” is airing as a four-part movie special event, and you can follow the lives of The Love Club by watching the four movies sequentially or as stand-alone movies, in which each woman is the lead in her own romantic journey, helped by the rest of her friends to find their one true love. In Canada a new film airs every Friday in February on W Network / StackTV. "My goal is always to connect with the audience, through the character. As cheesy as this may sound, I think love is a universal language, and whether with a partner, a friend, family member, or a stranger, when expressed with an open heart, I think, it’s worth sharing. It wasn’t until recently that I saw myself represented on North American screens as the romantic lead. I think every genre of movie should be relatable to all audiences, so I hope Asian feel-good movie fans out there can laugh, and feel love, through someone they can relate to." More from our chat with Lily Gao who stars in this Friday's movie, "The Love Club: Sydney" at the link. https://harltonempire.com/2023/01/30/exclusive-an-interview-with-lily-gao-from-the-love-club-sydney-a-w-network-original-four-part-movie-event

Posted by harltonempire at 2023-02-15 15:23:18 UTC