An emotional present… ⭐️ Book Review ⭐ One Last Gift Author: Emily Stone Book Rating ⭐️⭐️⭐⭐ I LOVED Stone’s debut, Always, In December so I’m happy to report her sophomore novel, One Last Gift is equally compelling. Her stories are so rich and layered, full of family drama and other compelling characters and side stories. The book opens with orphaned siblings Cassie and Tom. They’ve been raised and supported by a strong community. Cassie has a crush on Tom’s BFF, Sam, who isn’t interested in her. Tom takes a soul searching trip to Argentina where he dies accidentally. Cassie and Sam have a falling out after his death. Before Tom left on the trip, he gave Cassie a Christmas present, which was a scavenger hunt. Cassie is able to connect with her brother and Sam while she goes on a year long adventure. I think her first book is more romance forward than this one, but both are tear jerkers. Stone has an impressive ability to write sentimentally without being sappy. If you are looking for a touching, heartfelt read then this one is a real gift.
Posted by Bettys Book Club at 2023-01-27 16:04:02 UTC