If I had to pick 4 things to describe me: Taking inspo from @authorallisonashley here’s 4 things that make up me🥰 1. Books. Books have always been the best part of my life. There when I needed safety and escape during the darkest times and now, as an author, I have the wonderful opportunity to give that safety and comfort back to other readers. Honestly it’s my favorite part of the job. 2. Aerials. I started doing aerials about 5 years ago and I love it! My fibromyalgia does make some aspects of the art difficult, but my teachers and classmates are amazing at helping me push myself and also adjusting moves so I don’t hurt myself. I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in trying (make sure you practice at a licensed school with proper rigging, as it’s a dangerous sport). 3. Vodka. I love exploring vodka infusions (some turn out better than others😆) and of course drinking them too! I have strong opinions on vodka (potato is superior, rye is the worst) and love trying out new brands. My signature drink is a dirty vodka martini 🍸 4. Horror Movies. Yes I write fluffy and steamy romcoms, but I love a good horror movie. Creature features, haunted houses, creepy dolls, possessions, give me anything that goes bump in the night and I’ll watch it! So there’s a little about what makes up me🥰 #authorlife #aerialist #horrormovies #vodka #books #romancebooks #romanceauthor
Posted by Mariah Ankenman at 2022-11-28 15:21:23 UTC