Part #2 of our conversation with @reginakyleauthor LUV: You have a lot of hot hero covers. Two part question: why do you love writing these hot guys and how many heroes has Joe Manganiello inspired? Regina: True story: Joe did inspire my very first hero, Nick Damone in Triple Threat. I’m a HUGE theater geek (I’ve performed in over 100 school and community productions, most recently as Rosie in Mamma Mia and Martha in White Christmas), and Triple Threat is my love letter to theater. Joe was my model for Nick, an action film star who wants to get back to his theater roots. While I was writing Triple Threat, I was lucky enough to meet Joe. He was performing in a production of The Streetcar Named Desire at the Yale Repertory Theatre, and I saw the show with about twenty of my fellow writers in the Connecticut chapter of Romance Writers of America. Kristan Higgins was one of them, and she had her followers on Twitter tweet at Joe that we would be there. We waited for him with fellow autograph seekers outside the stage door, and when he came out the first thing he said was, “Where are the romance writers?” He was super nice, and stayed and signed and talked with everyone for over an hour. He’s also even taller than he looks on TV and film (and he smelled really good, too LOL). As for why I like writing hot guys, what I really like writing is guys who are hot inside and out. Guys who, yeah, have the six-pack abs and that sexy “v” thing near their hips that leads straight to the promised land because, let’s face it, a certain amount of romance is engaging in a fantasy. And what’s better than fantasizing about good-looking guys? But also guys who will shovel your car off when it snows, hold your hair back when you’re tossing your cookies, and do the dishes without being asked. Because we all deserve that. Someone who cares enough about us to be there for the good and the bad, the sexy and the not-so-sexy, the thrilling and the mundane.
Posted by LUV Team at 2022-09-06 19:01:01 UTC