More lab love... ⭐️ Book Review ⭐ Love On The Brain Author: Ali Hazelwood Book Rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Hazelwood is back with another S.T.E.M heroine that bumbles her way through romance. If you loved The Love Hypothesis you will equally enjoy Love On The Brain. Meet Bee, she’s a neuroscientist who’s been invited to join NASA’s Blink project. Her expertise is needed to design a better space helmet. She packs her bags and moves to Houston. She’s all excited to start until she learns who her co-lead on the project is, her graduate school nemesis, Levi. The majority of the book follows a traditional enemies to lovers storyline: miscommunication, no you hate me, forced together, makeout followed by some steamy sex. I will say that I thought the middle dragged a bit and I lost my own steam reading it, but it does pick and finishes strong. I also feel like this one had a lot more science in it so it might be a turn off for some, but that’s what Hazlewood does so 🤷‍♀️ If you are looking for steam it comes at the 65% mark, and it remains pretty hot until the end of the book 🥵 What is unique about this one is that there is a thriller component at the end that I wasn’t expecting. I love a little drama with my steam! #QOTD - What author is on your autobuy list?

Posted by Bettys Book Club at 2022-08-30 16:44:36 UTC